Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Information Download

Since our blog is brand new I want to share our story with you all. My husband of 8 years, Tanner, and I have 2 children God blessed us with naturally. We live in small town USA and enjoy all things outdoors. You will quickly learn of Tanner's aversion to sitting still...I call it ADHD. You can form you own opinion. Our girls, Stella 5 and Sophie 4, are very active as well. We enjoy doing things as a family such as camping, swimming, running, and traveling!
We try very hard to balance an active family life while keeping Christ our focus. We LOVE our church and many precious friendships that have come from being there. Our lives are far from perfect, but we continue to learn and grow in God's love and unfailing mercy. To be quite honest a trip I took with our MOPS group at church helped lead us to where we are today (Thanks for the reminder J!)!
At the MOPS 2006 Convention in Orlando, FL I was introduced to an incredible organization called Compassion International. After searching through hundreds of children the volunteers found the one that met my only criteria that the child be male and have the same birthday as my father who passed when I was very young. This was my first connection to Ethiopia. God quickly grew our relationship with our child and my entire family fell in love with this boy and the country he lives in. We often read and learned as much as we could about his country. The girls enjoyed making home made cards and pictures to send to their brother in Africa. They truly began to grasp the depths of God's love through our interaction with Compassion.
Several years later (4 to be exact) I was offered an opportunity to travel to Ethiopia and meet our sweet boy face to face! What an incredible experience that was. It also showed me the immense poverty and devastation that runs rampant throughout Ethiopia. We spent 11 days visiting child survival facilities, development centers, and getting to know kids being supported through college! I even came away with another child to sponsor. This time a little girl from southern ET! If you aren't familiar with this organization please look into it! You will be blessed. I got to see and experience God's love in ACTION! As you can imagine I also gained new life long friendships. Ethiopia had acquired an even bigger piece of my heart which I quickly shared with my family.
Through the support of my family and close friends I was able to plan yet another trip to ET!! This trip took place only 4 months later. Along with a small group of friends from the Compassion trip we raised money to travel and love on orphans as God instructs us to do in Isaiah 1:17 and James 1:27. They are 6 million strong in ET! We were able to have pizza parties, distribute Amharic bibles, and spend quality time with orphans in 3 different orphanages. As you can imagine my heart hurt for these children who were so hungry for love. It's something we take for granted in America. With my families approval I, yet again, came home with more children to sponsor and share the love of God with. Our two boys from the Kolfe orphanage are so special to us. We have even been blessed to share precious time on skype between my Kolfe boys and my girls here at home in the US. They get so excited to talk and share with our extended family. It is helping us all understand how far God's love reaches!

All that to let you in on where God is leading our family...

After months of prayer Tanner and I have felt the Lord calling us to adopt.  We have always discussed the possibility of adoption even before we had children of our own. After my work in Ethiopia this year we feel He is leading us swiftly in that direction.  We have chosen to adopt a boy from and orphanage I had the privilege of visiting. Our prayer is that he is available.  If he is not we will wait on the child God has for us however long that may be.  We have felt God's hand at work through every step of the process and are anxious to see what He has in store. After only a month we have completed all our agency paperwork and are awaiting a home study, set for December 20th! Stella and Sophie can't help but tell everyone we come in contact with that they will soon have a little brother!! Please be in prayer for our family as we enter into this new chapter in our lives. 
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  1. I can't wait to have another boy added to our group. :)

    I am praying right along with you guys that that little cutie is available.

  2. Love the blog! And you are a GREAT writer, so no more self-bashing, ok? K. ;-) Can't wait to meet that little guy...I'm picturing another covert opp to the FW airport... So blessed to be a part of what you're doing!
